04.04.2022: 6. Live Q&A Legal Support for Third Country Nationals fleeing from Ukraine

Date:  04. April 2022
Time:  5:30pm - 7:00pm (CEST)

Our last Q&A live meeting with the HNU Neu-Ulm, University of applied science was a great success. Despite the short notice of 2 days to the event, we had an overflow of almost 150 attendees and couldn´t manage to meet the demand. We thank you for the high level of trust you invest in us. Incase you tried to join the meeting and ended up in the waiting room, we are quite sorry about that. Our current capacity of 100 participants normally gets exhausted within the very first minutes. We hope to improve our subscription soon. Please visit the HNU Neu-Ulm Homepage for more Information: HNU Neu-Ulm 

Likewise, we are glad to announce the next Live Q&A Legal Support with our Team of lawyers. The main focus will be an illustration of the various applications under §24 AufenthG and the co-relation to the other parallel residence permits, including student visas. We hope to accommodate you all. 

As usual, we hope to hold the meeting in German, English and French.

Participation link

Meeting-ID: 824 1614 4914
Kenncode: 076615

We are looking forward to discussing with you.

Have you already participated in our evaluation? If not, kindly do so via the link below. It takes barely 5 minutes and enables us serve you better.

Link to evaluation
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