Even this challenge, we shall overcome together

Fellow citizens,

whether economically, healthwise or socialally, each one of us is affected by the Corona crisis in one way or
the other. We wish to express our appreciation to all those who work hard daily ensure our protection and
provision of basic needs. But we wish to also appreciate you all, for making a positive contribution toward
avoiding the overworking of these persons and the rampant spreading of the epidemic. Each case lesser, is an
increament of the survival chances of the seriously ill people.

At the same time, however, the crisis threatens to escalate in other aspects of life. Then, we lack the social
contact, there is a lack of revenue, our jobs are under threat, families are overwhelmed and so on. Yes, our
existence is shaken in many ways and there is a lot of uncertainty...

However, it is precisely at such moments that cohesion and solidarity with each other are more important than
ever. No matter how we are individually affected, one thing is certain - what really matters in life, are the
People we have around us! Family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, fellow citizens etc. Let's hold them firmly.

Don't give in to the fear. Let hope prevail!
Because together we are strong, and together we will also be able to overcome this crisis.
Spread love, hope and courage, and take good care of yourselves.

In solidarity

GAaNF Team
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