Legal Support and Safe Space for Refugees BIPoC from Ukraine

We create safe spaces for third-country refugees from Ukraine, providing them with holistic, adapted and multilingual legal support. We pick them up where they are and help them out of their precarious situations.

Free one-on-one consultation with the lawyer

The war in Ukraine still leaves us speechless! Not only has it cost countless lives, but it has also pulled the rug out from under the survivors. Thousands of refugees, including third-country nationals from Ukraine, are now seeking refuge in Germany. In this turmoil, we want to make it as easy as possible for the refugees to get started and find their first orientation in Germany. 

We want to create a safe space for refugees from Ukraine who find themselves in precarious situations by providing tailor-made information and legal advice. 

In order to achieve this, we have to pick up the affected people where they are with holistic support. Therefore, the very first and crucial step is: "Understand!"

We offer regular multilingual Live Zoom Calls for legal support by our legal team (volunteer lawyers), answer individual questions during the Live Calls, collect all unanswered questions and answer them by phone and email, keep ourselves available for individual consultations both by phone and email, offer a broad overview of the current legal situation regarding the various residence titles and the corresponding requirements, link the refugees with other counselling centres, establish contact with the universities for the students, work together with other organisations to arrange accommodation and other services, and much more. 

Inclusion and integration are important components of our diverse society, which is why we attach great importance to holistic solidarity in order to strengthen cohesion in our society, especially in such a time of crisis as now.

In order to make our offers more effective and reach even more people, we need your donations to increase our capacity for the zoom calls, as we are always quickly exhausting the currently available capacity of 100 participants, so that many interested people can no longer take part in the calls. We also need donations to set up an adapted website for Legal Support with a better overview, print info material in more languages, translate the live zoom meetings, translate the applicable legal regulations (laws, regulations, guidelines etc.), conduct and publish webinars, offer office hours for the individual consultations and much more.

Help us so that we can help many people effectively and in the long term.

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