Turn your talent into occupation!

Project description

This is a collaboration project between “GAaNF e.V.” and our partner organisation “Father’s Heart School” in Kenya. 

The Project aims at empowering the Kids and youths in their talent identification and development. The talent development program will run for a duration of 13 Months - June 2019 to June 2020. 

Within the scope of this program, we will work together with various experts and instructors both from Germany and within the locality, who will help the participants identify their talents, and nature them in the same respect. 

We seek to promote the creativity, and abilities of the participants, and supply them with the necessary knowledge and skills for career choice and/or career practice.

Motive behind the project

Passion and Attitude are elements of fundamental importance in one´s choice of occupation. 

The affection to a specific field of activity can mostly be realized right from childhood. Pursuing an occupation of one´s passion creates a positive attitude towards the same, hence increasing the chances of being successful in a particular field. 

Failure to nature the talents at tender ages leads to joblessness of our strong, innovative and energetic youths, and a big wastage of great potentials. In this respect, intensive support from teachers and instructors is required in school as well as the support from the families and the community at large. 

We seek to establish a collaboration of the involved parties (Teachers/instructors ⇔ pupils/students/trainees ⇔ families/community). 

Skills of focus

The program will ensure a diversity of interest to create room for unlimited expression of creativity and talents. However we will involve experts and instructors from the following fields, whereby the participants will learn about the professional environment of the respective field and where to find the necessary support:


  • Cultivation methods adapted to local stipulations
  • Healthy animal husbandry
  • Eco-friendly cultivation systems
  • Fertilisation
  • Seedbed management
  • Weed control
  • Market-oriented farming practices ...etc.

Food management

  • Food processing and packaging
  • Food preservation
  • Food hygiene
  • Cooking 
  • Catering
  • Bakery
  • Healthy nourishment
  • Fields of occupation within the line of food management ...etc.

Creative art and crafts

  • Fashion design
  • Tailoring
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Acting, dancing, singing
  • Ceramics, pottery, carving, weaving, carpentry
  • General handicraft ...etc.

Soft skills with relevance to career

The following social competences will be trained intensively during the project.
  • Public relations
  • Leadership qualities
  • Mentoring and motivation
  • Teamworking
  • Time management
  • Human resources management / development
  • Conflict management
  • Stress resistance
  • Communication skills
  • Project management
  • Presentation techniques ...etc.

Project implementation

The project will be implemented in various segments. Age-appropriate fostering of talent will be the guiding factor throughout the whole project.

There will be series of seminars, excursions to the practical fields, group works/projects, public exhibitions, mentorships and regular evaluations. 

We will accompany the participants through the process of self-discovery, age-based knowledge acquaintance and transmission, building up of self-confidence, active participation and assumption of various roles, proper priority setting etc.

For more information, or if you are interested in being part of the project, don´t hesitate to contact us. Send us a Mail via “info@gaanf.org”.

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